Flight test

Marshall is proud to provide a full suite of military and civilian flight test capabilities, both as a standalone service and in complement to our provision of maintenance, repair, overhaul (MRO) and engineering projects for existing customers.

Delivering safe aircraft to customers

We have the people, resources and expertise to conduct experimental, developmental and production flight test, providing everything from routine post-maintenance checks to complex trials of heavily modified aircraft. Depending on customer preferences and requirements, all work can be undertaken solely by Marshall, or as part of a combined test team.

Our team consists of test pilots, flight test engineers, flight engineers, air loadmasters and trial support staff, all of whom have considerable career experience of military and civil fixed wing aircraft operations and testing. Marshall is a member of numerous accredited professional bodies including the Royal Aeronautical Society, the Society of Experimental Test Pilots and the Society of Flight Test Engineers.

“Our Flight Test team balances the resources and expertise of the world’s largest prime contractors with a much smaller organisation’s ability to offer flexible and bespoke programmes.

“The team’s work is invaluable in derisking aircraft for our customers, giving them complete peace of mind around safety and capability.”

Gareth Williams

Chief Executive Officer - Engineering Businesses, Marshall


  • The Marshall Flight Test team holds UK military and civil approvals for the following categories of flight test:
    • Experimental (Cat 1)/Developmental (Cat 2) test sorties to expand flight envelopes, remove flight limitations or develop handling techniques of an aircraft following major modifications
    • Flight safety critical tests conducted on a production-standard aircraft that provide evidence for an airworthiness clearance of flight safety-critical systems
    • Minor modification tests to gather data and validate the installation of minor modifications
    • Production post-maintenance tests to assure the production standard of a newly modified aircraft and/or associated systems that have been newly installed
    • Operational tests to develop or ensure the validity of tactics, techniques and procedures for an aircraft and associated doctrine
    • Trial workup sorties to maintain, improve or check aircrew operating skills, techniques or experience in preparation as part of a specific flight trial
    • Support for flight trials, from providing crew to combined test teams, trial supervision, safety reviews, production of formal documentation and independent testing and evaluation SME advice
    • Demonstration flights to validate the characteristics of an aircraft and/or its systems within a newly cleared envelope
    • Maintenance flights to check the performance and serviceability state of an aircraft

In all cases, we provide post-flight debriefs and reports detailing test evidence, qualitative and quantitative assessments, recommendations, conclusions and suggestions for further work.

Experimental and developmental testing

Our flight test team can develop and deliver bespoke test programmes working towards certification, approval and acceptance, adapting our offering to the specific needs of the customer and the platform.

Marshall has extensive experience trialling new aircraft, new systems and capabilities, special mission aircraft and modifications. We have also recently supported testing as part of the certification process for unmanned systems.

“Proving the safety and performance of an essentially new aircraft is a very demanding process that requires exhaustive planning and incredibly thorough testing.

“Some of the trial programmes undertaken by our team have required up to 140 test sorties across more than 450 hours of airborne test time. This is a capability we are only able to deliver thanks to the breadth and depth of our team’s shared expertise.”

Chris Platt

Head of Flight Test, Accountable Manager (Military Flying), Marshall

Pre- and post-maintenance sorties

Marshall has supported the Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules since 1966, and this is reflected in the flight test services we provide before and after maintenance. We work on new and legacy aircraft alike, and are fully-versed in the differences in configuration, requirements, and capabilities between models.

“Our flight tests tie directly into the MRO work we deliver for customers; in fact, our air loadmasters and flight engineers also work full-time as team leaders and technicians in our hangars.

“This means issues identified in maintenance can be thoroughly checked during flight test, and vice-versa, with nothing lost in translation.”

Haroon Raja

Chief Flight Test Engineer, Marshall

Our team is able to deliver pre-maintenance testing at the point of aircraft receipt; this is a valuable way to burn down risk by identifying potential issues early and providing time to resolve, with minimal or no impact to schedule or capability. This also helps to identify problems that would otherwise only become apparent after starting the package of work.

Ahead of delivery to customer, we routinely provide air tests following maintenance activities conducted on aircraft systems or equipment that cannot be checked for proper operation on the ground.

Operational checks

Through operational checks, we confirm the correct function of an approved aircraft system, in a role-representative manner, within the cleared operating parameters of the aircraft.

These checks differ from flight tests in that their use is limited to activities that do not require a specific test procedure or safety case to be generated, meaning they can be completed through the normal operational use of the aircraft within the cleared operating envelope.

Planning and safety management

Marshall can prepare flight test plans (top-level programme overview, certification or specification compliance, logistics and operations), detailed test procedures, special operating instructions, flight test readiness reviews, flight trials clearance, and trial management.

Likewise, we are able to handle all flight test safety documentation addressing hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk reduction control options. We can also help implement risk controls and trial supervision, including management of flight test risk. Our flight test team has extensive human factors competencies and experience, including all aspects of Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Crew Resource Management (CRM) training.

Independent test and evaluation (ITE) advice

Our diverse team of specialists can provide independent subject matter expert advice to customers who plan to conduct their own flight test programmes.

This is a wide-ranging service covering everything from independent assurance to troubleshooting and checks against regulatory and specification compliance, including fulfilling the role of ITE advisor.

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