The board committees

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee is responsible for ensuring that there is a formal and transparent process for developing and applying remuneration policy to attract, retain and motivate senior leaders that can deliver the Group’s strategic ambitions in a manner consistent with its purpose, values and the interests of all its stakeholders, as well as against a background of uncertainty resulting from the global economic situation.

Committee members:

  • Julie Baddeley (Chair)
  • John Crompton
  • Justin Read
  • Nick Shattock

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee’s principal focus is to ensure that the composition of the Board is appropriate for the future success of the business. It also oversees the development of a diverse succession pipeline, considering the strategic skills and experience required on the Board in the future.

Committee members:

  • Roger Hardy (Chair)
  • Julie Baddeley
  • John Crompton
  • Justin Read
  • Nick Shattock

Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee oversees the execution of the Group’s Ambition 2030 sustainability strategy and reviews the overall performance of the Group against its sustainability goals and targets.

Committee members:

  • Julie Baddeley (Chair)
  • John Crompton
  • Justin Read
  • Roger Hardy
  • Nick Shattock

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee’s principal focus is to ensure the integrity of the Group’s financial reporting and audit processes and to maintain sound internal control and risk management processes by providing independent challenge and oversight. The Committee oversees the statutory audit of the Group as well as the internal audit function and the independent internal auditors.

Committee members:

  • Justin Read (Chair)
  • John Crompton
  • Nick Shattock