Apprentice support

Creating a safe and supportive learning environment

The safety and wellbeing of our apprentices is a key priority for the team at Marshall Skills Academy and their employers. We are dedicated to creating a nurturing and secure environment where everyone can thrive, learn, and succeed. Our robust safeguarding practices encompass various aspects, ensuring that every apprentice feels safe, respected, and supported throughout their journey.

At Marshall Skills Academy, we believe that safeguarding is a shared responsibility between the team, apprentice employers, apprentices, parents and the wider community. Together, we create an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and safe. Our commitment to safeguarding practices enables apprentices to focus on their learning, personal development, and future success.

If you have any safeguarding concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our designated safeguarding team.

Report a concern

View our safeguarding and welfare policies


The primary goal of Marshall Skills Academy’s safeguarding practices is to ensure the safety, wellbeing, and dignity of all individuals, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or background. It involves creating and maintaining a safe environment where potential risks are identified and mitigated, and where appropriate support is provided to those in need. Our safeguarding policies include staff training, clear reporting procedures, risk assessments, and ensuring a culture of openness and vigilance to address concerns promptly.

Staff Training and Vetting

All Marshall Skills Academy employees are vetted thoroughly and hold Enhanced DBS certificates. The team also participate in specialised training in safeguarding to ensure we maintain the highest standards of care and protection.

Safe Learning Spaces

We maintain secure and monitored premises to provide a safe environment for apprentices to learn and grow. This includes several quiet spaces and a welfare room for those who need it.

Clear Reporting Procedures

We have established clear reporting protocols for any safeguarding concerns, ensuring swift action and resolution.


Prevent is a vital component of the UK government's counter-terrorism strategy, aimed at safeguarding individuals from becoming involved in or supporting terrorism and radicalisation.

The Prevent programme focuses on early intervention and works to identify and address the root causes that may lead individuals towards extremist ideologies. It involves collaboration between various sectors, including education, healthcare, and law enforcement, to ensure a coordinated and proactive approach. Through Prevent, individuals are equipped with the knowledge and skills to challenge extremist narratives and foster a society that upholds British values of democracy, tolerance, and respect for all. By promoting awareness and engagement, Prevent aims to create a safer and more inclusive environment where every individual can thrive and contribute positively to society.

Prevent the attack

When we think about terrorism we often think of the attacks. The attack is the tip of the iceberg. We don’t tend to think of everything that has to happen beforehand or activity that is below the water line. What we mustn’t forget is that before an attack, there must have been a period of days, weeks, months or even years in advance of recruitment, fundraising and radicalisation. These are some of the hidden aspects of terrorism and they can happen anywhere.

We actively promote British values of democracy, tolerance, and respect for all individuals. Our Prevent programme is designed to identify and prevent any signs of radicalisation among our apprentices.

Special Education Needs and Disabilities

Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is a term used to describe a diverse group of individuals with unique learning requirements or disabilities that may require additional support and adjustments in their educational journey. The focus of SEND is to ensure that every individual, regardless of their specific needs or challenges, has equal access to quality training and opportunities for personal growth.

The team at Marshall Skills Academy embrace the principles of SEND and aim to provide a nurturing and inclusive environment, where tailored support is offered to cater to the diverse learning styles and abilities of each apprentice.

We offer extra support to our SEND learners through specialised teaching methods, assistive technologies, and personalised learning plans to help students with SEND thrive academically and socially. The goal of our SEND support is to empower these individuals to reach their full potential, promoting their independence, self-confidence, and smooth integration with their peers and employers.

Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion represent fundamental principles that advocate embracing and respecting the wide array of differences among individuals, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexuality, gender identity, religion, disability, and socio-economic background. It goes beyond mere acceptance, as diversity and inclusion seek to create an environment where every person's unique perspectives, experiences, and talents are valued and integrated.

By fostering diversity, we enrich our community’s collective knowledge, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Inclusion, on the other hand, ensures that everyone feels a sense of belonging and is actively engaged, without facing discrimination or exclusion based on their differences.

Embracing diversity and promoting inclusion is not only a moral imperative but also an essential driver of innovation and success, enabling the growth of strong, harmonious societies where individuals can thrive and collaborate in unity.

Celebrating Diversity

We celebrate diversity and foster an inclusive atmosphere that embraces individuals from all backgrounds, cultures, and identities.

Tackling Discrimination

Discrimination of any form is strictly prohibited within our community, and we promote an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding.

Student support

Delivering happy and healthy apprentices

Our student support team offer a range of services and resources designed to assist our apprentices throughout their learning journey.

Our student support goes beyond classroom instruction, addressing various aspects of students' lives to ensure their overall wellbeing and success. Our student support includes academic guidance, personal tutoring, and mentoring to help students navigate through their studies effectively. Moreover, the team aids in overcoming challenges, both academic and personal, and offer a safe space for apprentices to discuss their concerns. Whether it's addressing learning difficulties, mental health issues, or career aspirations, student support plays a pivotal role in nurturing individuals' potential, boosting their confidence, and facilitating their growth as well-rounded, capable individuals ready to make a positive impact on the world. At the heart of our student support lies a commitment to creating an environment where every student feels valued, heard, and equipped to achieve their goals.

Personal Tutors

Each apprentice is assigned a dedicated personal tutor who provides academic and pastoral support throughout their apprenticeship.

Progress Monitoring

We regularly monitor apprentice progress and offer additional support when needed to ensure success.

Healthy Eating

We encourage our apprentices to eat a healthy breakfast, which we provide free of charge on site for those who missed it. Eating a healthy breakfast provides the body with essential nutrients and energy, kickstarting the metabolism and improving cognitive function throughout the day.

Mental Health Awareness

We prioritise mental health by raising awareness and providing resources to support the emotional wellbeing of our apprentices. 80% of the team are qualified Mental Health First Aiders and are on hand to offer initial support, listen without judgement and signpost further help where needed.

Online safety

Keeping Yourself Safe Online

Online safety is a critical aspect of navigating the digital world responsibly and securely. It refers to the practice of protecting personal information, data, and privacy while using the internet and engaging in various online platforms. Online safety encompasses a wide range of measures, from creating strong and unique passwords to being cautious of potential scams and phishing attempts. It also involves understanding the risks associated with sharing sensitive information online and being mindful of the content we consume and share. By staying informed about online safety best practices and using secure platforms and tools, individuals can safeguard themselves from cyber threats and enjoy a safer and more positive digital experience.

Strong Passwords and Authentication

Use strong, unique passwords for each online account and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible to add an extra layer of security.

Be Cautious with Personal Information

Avoid sharing sensitive personal information, such as passport numbers, addresses, date of birth or bank details online. Be extra cautious when filling out forms or sharing information on websites especially if they are not secure or a reputable company.

Keep Software and Devices Updated

Regularly update operating systems, applications, and antivirus software to patch security vulnerabilities.

Beware of Phishing Scams

Be wary of suspicious emails, messages, or links from unknown sources, and avoid clicking on them. Verify the authenticity of websites, email addresses and links before providing any personal information.

Secure Wi-Fi Connections

Use secure, password-protected Wi-Fi networks and avoid using public Wi-Fi for sensitive tasks.

Social Media Privacy Settings

Review and adjust your privacy settings on social media platforms to control who can see your posts and personal information.

Avoid Downloading Untrusted Content

Download apps, files, and software only from trusted sources to avoid malware or viruses.

Regularly Back Up Data

Create backups of important data and files on a separate external storage device or cloud service.

Use Secure Payment Methods

When making online purchases, use secure payment gateways and credit cards with fraud protection.

Report and Block Suspicious Activity

Report and block any accounts or users engaged in cyberbullying, harassment, or malicious behaviour.

Avoid Oversharing on Social Media

Be cautious about sharing travel plans, daily routines, or other information that could compromise your safety.

Use VPNs for Extra Security

Consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection and enhance privacy.

Keep your knowledge up to date

Threats in the digital world are constantly evolving, thus it is important to keep your knowledge and skills up to date with the latest trends, technologies and methods of deception to keep yourself safe online.

Remember, safe online is an ongoing process. By following these measures and remaining vigilant, you can protect yourself and your data from potential online threats.